Meditation changed my life, and I am so excited to see what it can do for you in your life
Join me on a two part live session, where I teach you all you need to know to get started with your meditation journey ♥︎
Starting 28th January & 4th of February, 19.30-21.00 (Berlin/Oslo time)
Why meditation?
The biggest shift that has happened in my life after I found meditation 5 years ago is that I now know that I am the creator of my life and of my reality
Because of the peace that I experienced through meditation, I accepted myself, and I know myself even better
This is a way of viewing life that I would love to share with you
In the live sessions:
I will teach you what happens in the brain and body when we meditate ♥︎ And why it matters what you think and how you spend your time
Benefits of this course:
When you learn the basic science behind meditation, it is more likely that you start doing it by yourself
We will be meditating in a group, which is a very powerful experience
I will give you insights on what different types of meditation that you can use in your life, and how they can benefit you and the world around you
First session is in: